The Opposite Sides of the Fence Line Still Belong to the Same Fence
Sometimes I feel like I am in the middle of everything. Not that I ride the fence but that I can see truth in both sides of a lot of things, make my choice and leave you to make yours. At the same time I am an avid believer of absolute truth but only where absolute truth is absolute. Take homeschooling for an example. While we home schooled all four of ours I don't think homeschooling is the only way to go. It seems many home schoolers are hard against public schools and many public schoolers are hard against homeschoolers, I think if we would all stop, be honest and look at it we would all agree we've seen home school send out some outstanding kids and some big messes both. The same is true for the public schools they have both outstanding students and messes. The other thing is farming. Big farming verses small farming. One seems to be against the other when in reality we need both. There is a place for both. One doesn't have to hurt the other. There are wond...