How 84 and 82 Year Olds Picnic
I talked to my mother-in-law the other day and she told me they were planning a picnic. They were going to go to Spring Mill State Park. If you remember Mark's dad is 84 and his mom is 82. They still put out three greenhouses of tomatoes every year and work like they were still young. She told me she had been so busy canning so she just wanted to get away for a day and rest. I'm awestruck and amazed as always at what she calls getting away and resting. Let me take you on a picnic with my mother-in-law. She does it the same every time. A day or two before the picnic she will get a clean tomato box and put it on the end of the couch. During the next couple of days as she thinks of things she will add them to the box. Matches, tablecloths, foil, camera, toothpicks etc. a jar of her candied dills from the cellar. She will make her Potato Salad, (the best in the world) on Thursday for a Saturday picnic. Whatever dessert she will be taking will be made ...