Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From?

It's easy to go to the grocery, pick up what we need and never give a thought to how it got there. I remember watching a show once where they asked children where milk came from. This is the big house as we call it this one is 26 years old. I laughed and laughed when a little boy said, the farmer turns the cows out and they eat all day and milk cartons grow on them then at night when the cows come back into the barn the farmer picks them off. While I did laugh I know it's important that we all know where our food comes from. Did you ever wonder how your chicken got in the cooler at the grocery store? Our oldest daughter, Heidi says she never looks at a piece of produce or meat in a package or fruit at a stand without thinking about the farmer and how much work it took to get that product to the store. She has done the work so she respects the process. When we raise our tomatoes we pick them the day of sale. They truly ripen on the vine. That me...