The Farmer and How He Knows What He Knows

With the kind of winter most of us have had and from following as many farm pages and blogs as I do and after being raised the daughter/granddaughter and now a wife of a farmer I'm more convinced than ever there isn't much a farmer doesn't know. Now I'm not saying he is an expert at everything and I'm not saying he never has to call in the professionals, I mean Mark has Dale Weller and Leonard's Electric's phone numbers seared into his brain. Still though most things a farmer can take care of on his own or at least he will give it a good run for the money before he calls for help. When does he learn it? How does it happen? He can probably tell you a few things he remembers learning but most of it just sort of happened. Most of it he learned by doing life and by trial and error or because he had to right quick. Maybe it was when his dad needed him to get up on that tractor and drive or when he had to crawl over a gate and get in that pen and hel...