Springtime on the Farm

What do I love about Spring? The real question is what do I love about springtime on the farm or maybe the even bigger question is what is there not to love about springtime on the farm? Just today as I was standing at the sink washing the breakfast dishes I noticed the lilies coming up around the clothesline posts in the backyard. The Robins are bobbin all over the front yard and I can hear the birds singing. The field across from the house has a wet spot in it and the geese make it a stopping point every year on their return north. If you step out on the porch just as the daylight is coming you will hear them really carrying on over there. That always gets our farm dogs, Noah and Runt worked up and barking and brings a quick end to any hopes I may have had of sleeping in. The fields are dotted with new calves, sometimes they are lying in the sun beside their mommas others times they are running and bucking throug...