
Showing posts from May, 2014

Strawberry Season

It's strawberry time again. While I love strawberries I admit I hate strawberry patches. I don't like picking berries. I don't like weeding berries. I don't like strawing berries. I don't like spraying berries after a frost. I don't like stemming berries or slicing berries or putting them in bags. I sort of like making jam but other than eating them or giving them away that's about all I like about berry season. Mark has an obsession with strawberry patches. He always wants them and he always wants them bigger than they currently are. He always wants me to want them bigger than they currently are and he always wants me to help make them bigger. He wants me to make shortcake by making crust, I want to make shortcake by baking a cake. I think you are beginning to see the problem aren't you? We're not compatible when it comes to Strawberries. This is a point of  contention in our marriage every spring. Thankfully it only la...

The Making of a Farmhouse

Did you ever stop and wonder why a farmhouse is called a farmhouse? It has to mean more than just a house on a farm, I think it means farm in a house. If you currently farm or have farmed in the past I think you'll agree. I mean what other kind of house save a farm house has had several baby calves come in to get warm by the wood stove a time or two. Baby pigs in a box with a heat lamp, you know the ones that decide to be born on the coldest night of the year. What about those new baby chicks you picked up at the post office if you went big time and ordered them from McMurry or even if you just picked a few up at the local Tractor Supply or hardware store. Did you put them in  a washtub or large box with a heat lamp and sugar water right there in the kitchen or living room? Did you listen to them peep all night and everyone gather around to look at them in the morning? Are there various animal medicines in your refrigerator right now? Do you have syringes ...