Summertime is Hay Time
Summertime is hay time. The old saying, "Make hay while the sun shines" is certainly true isn't it? All else goes on the back burner when the hay is ready. Our very first wedding anniversary supper was put on hold because there was hay down and it looked like rain. Usually the first cutting is before school gets out. The weather is watched morning, noon and night and when it looks like it's going to be dry the hay comes down. There is almost no better smell than hay drying in the fields. We don't see as many square bales as we used to. It's hard to get the help. Someone to drive the tractor, someone to stack and someone to pick-up, ideally two to stack and at least a couple of others walking the field but when that can't be pulling the baler with a wagon behind and a man on the wagon will get the job done. It's a big job to stack a load of hay. There is a right way to do it,...