
Showing posts from July, 2014

Summertime is Hay Time

Summertime  is hay time.   The old saying, "Make hay while the sun shines" is certainly true isn't it?   All else goes on the back burner when the hay is ready.   Our very first wedding anniversary supper was put on hold because there was hay down and it looked like rain.   Usually the first cutting is before school gets out.   The weather is watched morning, noon and night and when it looks like it's going to be dry the hay comes down.   There is almost no better smell than hay drying in the fields.   We don't see as many square bales as we used to.   It's hard to get the help. Someone to drive the tractor, someone to stack and  someone to pick-up, ideally two to stack and at least a couple of others walking the field but when that can't be pulling the baler with a wagon behind and a man on the wagon will get the job done.   It's a big job to stack a load of hay. There is a right way to do it,...

Bible Nugget: Rahab a Picture of Salvation

This Bible Nugget is just a reminder of how God carries the theme of salvation through each part of his word. It's like a thread that runs all the way through his word from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation. Think about the story of Rahab in Joshua chapter two. Think about how Rahab grew up in a place where the people were far from God. A place where they loved everything God was against and hated what God was for. Did you notice what she said to the spies? She said, " I know" she said "We have heard"  what does that mean? It means she heard about God and when she heard it she knew it to be true. She believed on Him. Romans ten verse seventeen says faith comes from hearing so we see that Rahab heard the word and she believed or had faith in the word. Then what did she do? She admitted she believed it. She confessed that she had heard and she had faith in what she heard and what did that faith prompt her to do? She turned or you could ...

Bible Nugget on Rahab

Bible Nugget: We're going to be in the book of Joshua chapter two. We're going to learn from Rahab. Rahab was a women of as they used to say, "ill repute." She was a prostitute. She lived in Jericho. The Amorites or as the Bible also refers to them the Canaanites' of which she was one lived there. The Amorites were against everything God was for and for everything he was against. They were a wick ... ed people. This is the kind of place Rahab was raised. She wasn't raised in a godly atmosphere. But when the Holy Spirit came looking for her, even in this sin filled place called Jericho, she heard him. More importantly she listened. So we learn it doesn't matter where we come from it matters where we are going. God is working in places we might least expect. He is always drawing people to himself. Most won't listen or respond but some will and Rahab did. Look at what verse ten says, "We have heard how the LORD dried up the wate...