We're A Family Farm, Not A Company Farm
I've been asked if we are a company farm several times so I thought I would just take this opportunity to say, No, we are not a company farm. We grow chickens, broilers, for Tyson. We are with the Corydon, Indiana complex, one of the top complexes in the country. Now it is true that several years ago Tyson had company farms, there were some near us. A company farm meant Tyson owned the land, the barns, and the chickens and they would hire someone to take care of the farm, often times it would be a family. Well it didn't take Tyson long to know what most of us already know, a company owned farm just doesn't produce as well. When they compared the company farms to the family farms the family farms by and large out preformed the company farms in both the quality of birds and the upkeep of the farm. So they did away with all of the company farms and now all of their producers are family farms. Well, in our area that's the way it is anyway. What does it mean...