Sometimes It Really Does Need To Be All About Me, But Not In The Way You Might Think
Have you ever been going through something and you just don't seem to be able to get through it? Have you ever been in a difficult relationship at work or church or even in the family? I have. Sometimes it's been an event, by event I mean something that happened that I didn't like or hurt or I didn't want to be. Sometimes it's been a person. What I've discovered is the same thing many of you have discovered. It's never the event and it's never the person it's always me. Now that isn't to say the event wasn't bad or the person wasn't wrong it's just to say I can't control that but I can control me. I remember one event in particular, when the house burned and I was so busy doing okay with it and seeing the protection of God in it which is a good thing but I failed to stop and ask what I could learn from it. What could God work out of me or into me through the losing of our home? So I asked hi...