What Do You Mean Remove Myself?
I'm having so much fun hearing from so many of you. I love hearing what your favorite part of the book is. Waitin on a Farmer and So You Want to Date A Farmer, seem to be ringing a lot of bells. But by far the most common thing people are saying to me is, "Remove Yourself From Yourself" I love that because it's my favorite line too. You have no idea how often I do that. My life has became so much easier since I remove myself so often. I don't mean I stick my head in the sand, or that I don't deal with things, I mean I have learned to be slower to act and to try to see things differently. One way it's helped is..... I don't get as mad at Mark. Now days I almost always, not always, but almost always, stop and try to remove myself from myself, I pretend I'm not me... but that I'm watching what's going on as if I were someone else.... and you know what I've found out? Mark isn't always wrong. Sometimes when I rem...