Teaching Diligence, Doing It Wrong But Them Getting It Right

When the kids were young and they would get something wrong, or give up to quick, Mark would say, "You gotta think, life is a thinking process." Now when and if my kids read this they are going to have a negative feeling shoot through them. They hated it when he said that, they still hate it. Mark wasn't quick to help the kids when they were trying to do something, I on the other hand was to quick. But Mark left them to figure it out. Looking back, we know he did that to much, it can provoke and discourage a child but thankfully it can also make them strong and determined. I was to quick to accept whatever they did and that can lead to shoddy work. You can see how both could lead to problems. As with so many of our parenting mistakes, God steps in and fixes up what we mess up. Because of his great grace and mercy and because of his promises he takes what could have been not so good and he brings good from it. We have to decide to let him do that, we h...