You know how much I admire Ma Ingalls, Caroline Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. It didn't matter what happened, no matter how bad the deal or how stressed out Pa was she held her tongue. When she saw what happened or after Pa, told her what happened she would nod her head or she would just sit quiet. I know that is exactly what she should have done. Her example is great. Pa didn't need her telling him how it would be okay, he didn't need her telling him what he did wrong or what he could do different next time. He needed for her to be still. She needed to give him time to deal with it within himself. He needed time to think and to process. We had a situation like this just last week and it's the very reason I know I'm no Ma Ingalls. I had been mowing over at Lost River, I was almost done and Mark said he would take over. He accidently hit a gas line. He got down and looked at the line. It scared me to death. I started saying, ...