
Showing posts from October, 2017

2017 Vacation Pictures! Well a Few of Them Anyway

Vacation 2017 has came and gone. In one of the pictures, it's one of the lakes, if you look down in the left hand corner you can see the gator we were watching. Here are a few pictures of our time at Orange Beach Alabama. Jessica turned 25 while we were gone. She and all of our girls love, I Love Lucy, so Heidi got her another I Love Lucy blanket. Ezra started out running down the boardwalk but after a while he said, Hold me Daddy. A view from the trail. Look at this good looking man I found on the trail! This is a picture of the canal. I took this while we were driving down the road. Mark saw these two young bobcats up ahead. We watched them for quiet sometime before they jumped off the boardwalk and into the grass.


Here we are again. Our second family vacation. Wisconsin Dells It's vacation time. When I was a girl we didn't go on vacation. We couldn't afford it and it seems we really didn't even think about going. Vacation for us was going to Ohio to Kings Island. Mark's family went on one  every year. When we were first married we went a few places but not many and then it all changed. Mark decided he wanted to start going on vacation. Me...not so much. I was seven months pregnant with Liv when we went on our first trip. So I packed for Mark, myself and three kids. We couldn't afford to eat out, so I packed my electric skillet, groceries, towels, dish soap and plenty of laundry detergent because I was going to need to find a laundromat. That was to be the vacation routine for several years. , Now days you find all that in a condo, no need for an electric skillet but we couldn't afford a condo and I was doing all this in a motel room. We...