I'm tired today. I've had it with Retroperitoneal Fibrosis. I'm ready for it to pack up and get out of here. When I was first diagnosed I didn't feel bad. I wouldn't have really know anything was wrong. Once I started getting treatment everything changed. I know that's common with several different types of illness's and treatments. There is a group of people who have this disease and they have a page you can follow. They all tell about what they are experiencing. I don't like the page. I looked at it and everyone went on and on. It seemed like a down place to me and besides that I wasn't having any of the things they were complaining about. Several of them talked of pain. They talked about having a hard time coming off the medications. Well now I know. Now I could post on that page. I have gone from no pain to pain. I have gone from a high dose to a low does and it's hard to adjust to. I swell like crazy. M...