Remeber When

our niece, Rachel about 25 years ago Remember when Halloween was simpler? Back when we didn't ever think about if it was wrong or right, good or evil. We only did good with it and had fun. Remember how costumes were simple? When I was a girl we never got our costumes ready until the night we went. A store bought costume would have never been considered. A mask yes, but not a costume. I'm sure it was stressful for mom. Sheets to be cut and marked for a ghost. Aluminum foil to be unwrapped so the roll could be re wrapped to become a sword for a pirate. Mom's old dress, make up and jewelry so I could be a princess Olivia our princess and Jessica our little bag of trash. People are blessed to have more money than they used have so they can do more for Halloween.Costumes can be bought, parties can be held, and that's a wonderful thing. I'm glad we can enjoy all of it. My biggest enjoyment of our "now days H...