North, South, East and West

This is a picture of the kitchen. This is taken facing north. There is a window by the stove. An eastern window so there will be morning sun in the kitchen. I love the morning sun.

The room with the green door and curtains is the utility room and the other door is a huge pantry. 

We have a lot of cleaning and painting to do. Wallpaper and boarder to remove.  If you have any ideas on how to do that please let me know.

There is a wood stove in the kitchen. I can't wait to put a rocking chair by it.  Who knows I may even have to take up knitting.

The chicken's all seem to be doing well. We got nice big chicks at Lost River and a few pullets here at home.

Mark has always labeled everything here by direction.  When you talk about anything you say, North, South, East or West.

The chicken houses at Lost River run North and South just like the ones here at home.

Olivia was going to turn on the feed lines at Lost River and it took her a little while to come back. She said things are labeled, F and B.   Front and back. It took her a minute to get that F and B stood for front and back.

Here it would be N, for North feed line, N lights, etc.  She quickly figured it out and had the feed running.

In the next few days I will introduce you to Fred. He is an Amish neighbor who is helping Mark. Several of you already know Fred. 

The girls and I were over there  last night and Fred came.  It was after nine at night and when he came in he said, " I just thought I would gallop over"   and that he did. His horse was tied up outside the door.

I look forward to the neighbors "galloping" by.


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