Happy Reading

I've always loved to read.

When our kids were little I read to them all the time.

I would buy books at the used book store, yard sales and I even ordered them from the weekly reader.

We went to the library and the book mobile when it used to visit the townships.

Mark built long shelves in the garage for all our books.

We had thousands of them most all  were lost when the house burned.

I kept a list in a notebook of every book I ever read the kids. I'd like to be able to see that list again, but it was lost in the fire too.

We read the usual picture books but  from the time they were very little I read them books without pictures. I can remember Heidi and Lucas sitting beside me as we read Little House on the Prairie and I'd tell them to imagine the things I read in their minds.

We read biographies of the presidents, scientist, slaves, explorers. and on and on.

In my own time I liked to  read books on homemaking and organizing, books on being a good mother and wife, books about cooking, biographies, history and pretty much anything. I bought Mark books about things I thought he needed to improve on.  You know how that goes, you buy them, accidently leave them out where he can see them. You think he will see it and say, "oh just the book I've been looking for,"  but  instead he uses it as a coaster for his glass.

Are you like me, is one of the first things you do when you get a book is open it, hold it close to your face and breath deep? I adore the smell of books.  I love to feel a book in my hand. I love how a book can't move yet takes you everywhere.

I've shared a couple of  books with you in this blog, one I read a few years ago but I keep it close because I need to reread parts often. It's like a shot in the arm to me. The other I have just completed within the last few hours. It's inspired me to love others more and seek to make a difference in peoples lives.

I'll be posting the books I'm reading on the blog fb page, Then I Thought of Home-Kelly Gray, from time to time and I hope you will do the same. I'd love to know what you're reading and I know the others would to. So stop by and share with us or leave a comment here on the blog.

Happy reading to you!

p.s.  Blogger.com is having a probem right now so I can't add the pictures of the books I was going to share, so I'll add them later to the blog fb. page.  Sorry about that.

Oh, don't forget to share the name of the book you are reading with us!


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