All Aboard for the Lost River Trip. Jump On and Share Your Ideas

I'm so thankful for blogs and facebook.

You see I am so not a house person.

It never occurs to me to take people through my house or to go through other people's house.

I might walk into your house and think it looks nice but I could never go tell anyone else just how it looked.

Now my mother could. She would be able to describe your window treatment pattern perfectly.

She would give the details about what you had on your mantel or cabinet top and explain down to the last bloom the flower print of your dishes setting on your table.

Me, I couldn't tell that but I would tell someone whatever that was you were cooking sure smelled good.

I want my house to look nice. I want you to feel comfortable when you come but I'm not overly into décor.

So I know I have some things that need to be done. It's just part of upkeep and I know a lot of you love this type of thing.

I'm excited to hear your ideas. I look forward to you helping me do what I can't.

We'll start with the porch. I'd like to get it and the dish pantry done before we host the family reunion there at the river in October.  I know these pictures aren't the best and I'm sorry about that.

When we got over there today I realized I had left the memory card in the computer so I couldn't use the camera so I just used my Ipod.

Just a couple of things to keep in mind as you share your ideas,  there are a lot of old order Amish houses in the area. As a matter of fact almost every house looks just like our house or some form of it.

The house doesn't have edges on it and we're going to go with the black edging on the house. That's what the Amish suggest and we like it.

So with that said tell me what to do with the railings do we paint them white?

What about the screen door?

Toby our Amish neighbor is building us a porch swing and it will hang on the left side of the porch but there is enough room on the right side for a table and chairs  something. Let me know what you think would look good.

I know we're going to need a pop of color too but have no idea what.

I'm just going to post these pictures and you girls get started.

Thank you so much!!
This is taken looking west. This is the side the porch swing will be on. The west side.

This is the lattice work they had around the bottom.

The siding is a type of metal and it's a  grey color. The shingles are a medium grey and all the window are white. They are all new windows so that's a plus.

Coming up the stairs.

This of course is the east end of the porch. This is really pretty large. It's plenty big enough for a round table and chairs or even a wicker chair or two.

I don't know why but I had two shots of the west side of the porch.


  1. Love it... and the idea of the white railing... unless it is like my place, white doesn't work for me! I would spend too much time cleaning the woodwork!

    Throw in a couple of comfy chairs with some bright cushions... that would pop some color, and is an easy change. You could carry through with the same cushions for the swing! (Love my swing!) What about wicker chairs and a small table for drinks and such.

    I would be sitting out there eating! :)

    1. I like the wicker idea too Evie. What color are you thinking for the pop of color? I can't have cushions here at Rosebud because we have three dogs and countless barn cats that wonder to the house. I know the animals would take them over but that won't be a problem at Lost River.

    2. That's me, animals... they take over everything! :) If it were me, and my place, I would add some barn red. With the grey and black edging and the white. Oh, sounds pretty to me! Oh I misread... I see turquoise for the cushions, or a pretty floral, but that's me! What do you like?


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