That's a big question and when we think of our life we tend to think of it as a whole.
And of course that's right but it's important to keep in mind that a whole life involves lots of pieces.
I heard a preacher tell a story and he said it like this, "We think of time as like a $100.00 bill and we are going to lay it down all at once and buy something.
One big thing and we're done.
But that isn't how it works really.
In reality we all have to go to the bank and cash that bill in for a bunch of change.
For the most part we go through life spending change as far as time goes.
We spend a little bit listening to a hurting co-worker.
We spend a little more when we come home, get supper and hurry back out to he funeral home to support a friend.
Then there are those cupcakes for school, you shell out a little more time.
You want to sit down and put your feet up but you know mom would love a call from you so you give her a call. Ching, ching, a few more coins.
Your husband calls and wants to know if you can pick that part up for him, so you spend a little more change.
That neighborhood child who always seems lonely comes over again, ching ching.
You get the picture don't you.
We get so caught up on the big picture we miss the drawing process.
Every little thing you do is part of how you are spending your life, it's not done in one big purchase, it's done piece by piece, act by act, word by word, one coin at a time.
That big shining moment in your life won't be what most people remember, they will remember how you spent your time with them.
They will think about how you made them feel.
A life well spent isn't spent all at once on one big thing, it's spent one little cha, ching at a time.
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