My dad stopped smoking when he was 62 years old. He started smoking when he was 14. I love to hear him tell about the time he and my uncle Paul, dad's youngest brother were smoking in the barn. Dad said they had got some cigarettes and matches and went to the barn and got down in a stable and started trying to smoke. Pretty soon Grandma came into the barn and called out to them. She said, "What are you boys doing back there?" Dad said Uncle Paul jumped up and said, "We ain't smokin Mom, we ain't smokin." That made my dad so mad. He said it was just the same as running out and telling her they were smoking. I remember when I was in the fourth or maybe fifth grade and I tried to smoke. Mom and dad were some place I don't remember where but my older brother, my younger brother and my best friend Cindy were there with me. Cindy and I got the matches and cigarettes and decided to smoke. We were pretty smart though, we got a cup a...