I often get messages from people telling me I hit the nail on the head. They say I said just what they needed to hear. I've been asked if I had a listening device installed in their home. I must have been a fly on the wall. I've even had a few people message me mad because they thought I was targeting them with my post. If the posts are hitting someone where they need hit or if they are offering a hand up when they need one it has nothing to do with me. I spend very little time thinking about what I post, I know you are saying, "Yeah, we can tell." What I mean is if you read something here and it's good, it's from God. It might be a thought I had while I was doing my morning reading so I decided to share it. It might be something I saw or heard and it got me to thinking so I share it. Sometimes it's in response to a question someone has sent in. It has to be that way. It has to be God giving me thoughts. There is no way I can kno...