
Showing posts from February, 2018


I often get messages from people telling me I hit the nail on the head. They say I said just what they needed to hear. I've been asked if I had a listening device installed in their home. I must have been a fly on the wall. I've even had a few people message me mad  because they thought I was targeting them with my post. If the posts are hitting someone where they need hit or if they are offering a hand up when they need one it has nothing to do with me. I spend very little time thinking about what I post, I know you are saying, "Yeah, we can tell." What I mean is if you read something here and it's good, it's from God. It might be a thought I had while I was doing my morning reading so I decided to share it. It might be something I saw or heard and it got me to thinking so I share it. Sometimes it's in response to a question someone has sent in. It has to be that way. It has to be God giving me thoughts. There is no way I can kno...


I was talking to a sweet friend this morning. She was asking about some of the things I did with my children when they were small. Just yesterday someone told me I was a good mother, they even went so far to say they thought I must have been a perfect mother. I felt myself cringe. Whenever I'm complimented on my mothering I feel that way. I feel embarrassed because I know the truth. I know my kids know the truth. I made more mistakes than you can shake a stick at. Most of you watched me and probably knew I was making mistakes. The crazy thing is I made them because I was trying to do it right. I though if I did this or had them do that or didn't let them do this of did have them do something else everything would be okay. You know what made my kids turn into the man and the women they are today? It was God. He is so full of mercy and goodness and he has a place in his heart for mommas. He listened all those nights I went to bed and cried because I ha...


Have you ever known a jealous person? Have you ever been a jealous person? We're jealous when we want what someone else has. We hear someone say something nice about another person and instead of hearing the other person complimented, we hear ourselves criticized. Has anyone you considered in your circle been kind to someone outside your perceived circle and you felt as if you had been left out or overlooked? It's been said that envy or jealousy is like drinking poison hoping the other person will die. We can go so far with jealousy that it actually becomes resentment or even bitterness. That's when we are not only upset we don't have whatever it is we want we don't want the other person to have it. The problem or well I should say one of the problems with jealousy is it keeps us from focusing on what we do have. It keeps us from seeing our own skills and abilites It will damage relationships. It will damage the relationship of the person we ar...


I've been asked a few questions and I'm going to try to answer. The most freeing thing I have ever learned is that everyone is not like me. God uses people who think different and believe different than I do. He uses all kinds of people to reach all kinds of people. And it's none of my business who he uses or how he uses them. If only I had known sooner. Romans 14:4 says in a nutshell...Who are you to judge another man's servant? To his own lord he stands or falls. You know what that means? That means, mind your own business. It's not up to me to decide who God is using and who he isn't. I think about the Duggers from the tv show 19 and Counting and I think about the show Duck Dynasty. Now talk about a vast difference in christian families, thats a vast difference. Which one is more used by God? Which one has reached the most people? We don't know do we. If we are clean cut churchy people we might l...


For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Wow. Did you read that. The way you think is the way you are. It's not only the Bible that knows that. Countless, psychologists,  counselors, therapists and so many others know this. You know this. Attitude is everything. The Bible gives us countless instructions about how to think and what to think about. The problem is we don't do it. It's like going to weight watchers and never doing the program. The program works but it won't work if you don't do it. I've been reading a book about self pity. We all know it's a waste of time and we all don't like to be around someone who is always telling you how bad they are treated or how unfair life is. No one ever admires that about anyone. The first thing to do is to examine ourselves, God said, a man ought to examine himself, and as always, he was right. We all know if we don't get real with ourselves we won't be able to see wh...