They say I said just what they needed to hear.
I've been asked if I had a listening device installed in their home.
I must have been a fly on the wall.
I've even had a few people message me mad because they thought I was targeting them with my post.
If the posts are hitting someone where they need hit or if they are offering a hand up when they need one it has nothing to do with me.
I spend very little time thinking about what I post, I know you are saying, "Yeah, we can tell."
What I mean is if you read something here and it's good, it's from God.
It might be a thought I had while I was doing my morning reading so I decided to share it.
It might be something I saw or heard and it got me to thinking so I share it.
Sometimes it's in response to a question someone has sent in.
It has to be that way.
It has to be God giving me thoughts.
There is no way I can know what someone needs to hear.
There are many who will read a post and it does nothing for them, but then someone else will read it and think, yes that's what I needed and still someone else will read it and unlike the page.
I have no rhyme or reason for my page or blog.
It's not totally a cooking or baking thing.
It's not totally a Bible teaching thing.
It's not totally a farm thing.
Nor is it totally family stuff.
Im a great big hodge podge of stuff.
I'm life and I think you are too.
I think the reason it sounds like I was a fly on your wall is because we all pretty much have the same walls.
What goes on at my house, has probably gone on at your house.
My kids are like your kids. Your kids make you feel the same things my kids make me feel be it good or bad.
Mark and I are like you and your husband.
We have our ways we are comfortable, we have our ways we flirt and our ways we argue and of course there is the forgiving, making up and going on.
We don't always get good news.
Things happen that worry us or hurt us.
Things we don't know what to do about or feel unsure of.
So rest assured I'm not listening in at your house.
I'm not trying to post something to step on your toes.
I'm just being me and me is a lot like you.
Sometimes people say everything sounds so good here.
It is good.
But not all good but one thing we do try to do is always come back to the good.
We do always try to find the good.
We will wallow for a time and then we get back on track.
Life is so much of what you decide to think about.
It's attitude.
We laugh a lot and we have done our share of yelling too.
I want you to come here and be happy or be encouraged.
I want you to not feel alone or left out.
I want you to look at your own life and find humor and good.
If you need to get your act together in someway than I want you to do that.
I just want you to feel inspired or even just more light hearted because you read a post or a blog on our page.
Rest easy, I'm not targeting you and I'm not listening in, I'm just being me and like I've said before you understand it because you are a lot like me.
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