Names are important.

We spend a lot of time picking out our children's names.
When we marry, our husbands give us their name.
It's not just our names that are important but the name of everything.
Every known thing has a name.
Trees, paper, medicine, tv shows, hotels, games, and on and on.
Every thing has a name even things like, worry, depression, hopelessness, financial stress. cancer, tumors, resentment, hurt feelings, laziness, sickness, learning disabilities, jealousy, anxiety.
You could say, you name it and it has a name.
Just a few days ago Mark and I had some distressing news.
It felt like more distressing news on top of the distressing news we were already working through.
We were sitting in the drive thru at McDonalds going over how it all seemed to much.
If Mark hadn't had the steering wheel and if I wasn't digging through my purse we would have been wringing our hands.
Then it hit us.
What are we doing?
We are too old to be acting like this.
We have read a page or two of the Bible.
Enough too at least know when we get torn up about something there is something to be done for it.
We decided to quote a scripture that had something to do with the situations causing us stress.
Mark is much better at quoting scripture than I am so he was doing good and I was over there like uhhh, welll..there is........
But then I thought of Philippians.
I mean not the whole book but the part that says, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."
All I need to remember when the worry or the thoughts come is the name of Jesus.
It's all you need to remember.
Is it money?
The name of Jesus is above money.
Is it a tumor?
The name tumor has to come in under the authority of Jesus.
Is it unforgiveness or resentment?
Neither of those things can stand up to the name of Jesus.
The New Testament if full of examples of people crying out the name of Jesus.
They knew he could help the problem.
If you go back and read you will see that a lot of the problems they had are a lot like our problems today.
The name of Jesus was enough back then and it's enough now and it will always be enough.
I used to hear people say, Speak the name of Jesus over it" or they might pray and they would say they were "pleading the blood of Jesus over it."
That wasn't the way I was taught.
That made me uncomfortable.
But if you really stop and think and you take apart what is being said, why wouldn't I say that?
Why would I not speak the name of Jesus over my problems?
Why would I not?
To not do it is to deny the power that's in it.
I need that power.
There is power in the name of Jesus and we need to speak it over our lives.
By the time Mark and I got up to the window to pick up or fish sandwiches we were feeling a lot better.
It doesn't take the Word of God long to take a hold.
Now that doesn't mean you don't have to keep doing it.
Just yesterday something else happened and Mark came in all stressed out.
You know how it is.
He didn't say anything but I could tell from the way he was walking.
Anyway, the point is, calling on the name of Jesus and quoting scripture isn't a one time I'm done deal.
It's a lifestyle.
It's like a shot in the arm or a vitamin pill, you have got to take it everyday.
So yesterday I said, wait what are we doing?
Sometimes I'm the one that has to be reminded and sometimes he has to be reminded.
Sometimes it's aggravating when the other one reminds us of what we should do because we want a little time to be mad or upset.
Isn't that crazy how we can actually not want to do what needs to be done to get us into a better frame of mind?
Isn't it crazy how the thought of having a way out can actually make us mad?
Almost like I don't have time for that, I don't want to do that I'm too stressed for that.
We are crazy people with crazy ideas and we do things to make life harder than necessary.
When something happens today and you feel the pressure rise, or the fear sets in or the resentment starts to boil, call on the name above all names.
Call on Jesus.
Keep calling, it might just be a whisper or you might need to cry it out loud it doesn't matter how you do it just call on him.
There is no name, that means none, there is nothing named on the earth or above the earth or below the earth that doesn't have to come under his rule so speak the name of Jesus over your problem and rest in the fact that he has got it.

We spend a lot of time picking out our children's names.
When we marry, our husbands give us their name.
It's not just our names that are important but the name of everything.
Every known thing has a name.
Trees, paper, medicine, tv shows, hotels, games, and on and on.
Every thing has a name even things like, worry, depression, hopelessness, financial stress. cancer, tumors, resentment, hurt feelings, laziness, sickness, learning disabilities, jealousy, anxiety.
You could say, you name it and it has a name.
Just a few days ago Mark and I had some distressing news.
It felt like more distressing news on top of the distressing news we were already working through.
We were sitting in the drive thru at McDonalds going over how it all seemed to much.
If Mark hadn't had the steering wheel and if I wasn't digging through my purse we would have been wringing our hands.
Then it hit us.
What are we doing?
We are too old to be acting like this.
We have read a page or two of the Bible.
Enough too at least know when we get torn up about something there is something to be done for it.
We decided to quote a scripture that had something to do with the situations causing us stress.
Mark is much better at quoting scripture than I am so he was doing good and I was over there like uhhh, welll..there is........
But then I thought of Philippians.
I mean not the whole book but the part that says, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."
All I need to remember when the worry or the thoughts come is the name of Jesus.
It's all you need to remember.
Is it money?
The name of Jesus is above money.
Is it a tumor?
The name tumor has to come in under the authority of Jesus.
Is it unforgiveness or resentment?
Neither of those things can stand up to the name of Jesus.
The New Testament if full of examples of people crying out the name of Jesus.
They knew he could help the problem.
If you go back and read you will see that a lot of the problems they had are a lot like our problems today.
The name of Jesus was enough back then and it's enough now and it will always be enough.
I used to hear people say, Speak the name of Jesus over it" or they might pray and they would say they were "pleading the blood of Jesus over it."
That wasn't the way I was taught.
That made me uncomfortable.
But if you really stop and think and you take apart what is being said, why wouldn't I say that?
Why would I not speak the name of Jesus over my problems?
Why would I not?
To not do it is to deny the power that's in it.
I need that power.
There is power in the name of Jesus and we need to speak it over our lives.
By the time Mark and I got up to the window to pick up or fish sandwiches we were feeling a lot better.
It doesn't take the Word of God long to take a hold.
Now that doesn't mean you don't have to keep doing it.
Just yesterday something else happened and Mark came in all stressed out.
You know how it is.
He didn't say anything but I could tell from the way he was walking.
Anyway, the point is, calling on the name of Jesus and quoting scripture isn't a one time I'm done deal.
It's a lifestyle.
It's like a shot in the arm or a vitamin pill, you have got to take it everyday.
So yesterday I said, wait what are we doing?
Sometimes I'm the one that has to be reminded and sometimes he has to be reminded.
Sometimes it's aggravating when the other one reminds us of what we should do because we want a little time to be mad or upset.
Isn't that crazy how we can actually not want to do what needs to be done to get us into a better frame of mind?
Isn't it crazy how the thought of having a way out can actually make us mad?
Almost like I don't have time for that, I don't want to do that I'm too stressed for that.
We are crazy people with crazy ideas and we do things to make life harder than necessary.
When something happens today and you feel the pressure rise, or the fear sets in or the resentment starts to boil, call on the name above all names.
Call on Jesus.
Keep calling, it might just be a whisper or you might need to cry it out loud it doesn't matter how you do it just call on him.
There is no name, that means none, there is nothing named on the earth or above the earth or below the earth that doesn't have to come under his rule so speak the name of Jesus over your problem and rest in the fact that he has got it.
Kelly, this is very true. All we can and should do is speak His name above all that we say or so. Have a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to say, I've missed your writings. I'm not on facebook or anything else but blogging. Maybe I will see you at your new Walmart.