All of you have been so good to me. You have prayed and encouraged. You have sent cards and messages and flowers and food and gifts. So I wanted to give you an update on whats going on. As you know two years ago they found a mass in my abdomen. It turned out to be retroperitoneal fibrosis. It's rare. Not many people have it and so they don't know a lot about it. I had to have a scan back in the early spring, the first of March I think anyway at that time we found out the mass had grown five times bigger. That scared the doctors as they felt sure it had transformed into a cancer. So we had to have more scans more tests and wait. Then thankfully this month I had another biopsy. We went to the dr. yesterday and he said the drs at U of L could not tell what it was so once again they sent the tissue sample to the Mayo Clinic. Good news, wonderful news, it has not transformed. It is not cancer. It is still the retroperitoneal fibrosis. Bad news is it is ...