HONEY GLAZED CARROTS....You are going to love these!

Don't think they aren't good they are.
Don't think you won't like them you will.
It's a great way to get your kids to eat their carrots and it looks beautiful on the table.
The orange just pops next to your green beans or your meatloaf or your fried chicken.
I made these last night and we almost argued over the last one.
The recipe calls for baby carrots but I don't ever buy baby carrots I always just get a bag of regular carrots.
I don't ever peel my carrots either.
The vitamins are in the skins and so I just go with it.
This recipe is so forgiving meaning if you don't have the right amount of everything don't worry.
I didn't have one - two pounds of carrots, I had about six carrots so I just adjusted the ingredients to go with that amount. I just took a shot and it hit the mark.
It calls for honey and that's what I used but if I don't have it I use syrup or brown sugar.
If you have a bag of carrots in the crisper and you sort of keep looking them then looking away because you don't know what to do with them well here is your answer.
This is what you are gonna need:
One -two pounds of carrots ( cut into coins or cut lengthwise or chopped in large pieces it's up to you)
1/2 cup of honey
4 Tbsp. of butter
1/4 cup of orange juice
Steam the carrots or if you like them soft you can boil them. Just cook them however you like them and then drain them really well.
In a large skillet melt the butter and then add the cooked, drained carrots.
Stir around for a bit then add the honey.
Stir and then add the orange juice.
Cook until the sauce starts to cook down and thicken up.
Actually everything is done, you can serve it as soon as it's hot but don't oh please don't.
Let it cook down, let it get thick and let it get all over the carrots let them glisten with the goodness of the glaze.
You can add parsley flakes or a few thyme leaves if you want for garnish, I don't but you can.
If you like carrots at all and I dare say even if you don't like carrots you will like these.
If you try them let me know what you think.
Oh I forgot to say that's not my photo.
I can never remember to take a picture of what I'm cooking so I found this one online and shared it.
Also when I cooked my carrots at first before I added the glaze I cooked them down all the way until they ran out of water and they got just a little browned or caramelized on the edges. Oh the goodness.
Here's to a beautiful springtime dish on your supper table tonight.
If you don't have any honey you can substitute brown sugar. Theses are simply delicious!