I'm not much on fresh salmon myself I know it's crazy but I would rather have canned salmon than fresh.
All of our kids really like fresh salmon and often order it when they go out.
Olivia had told me she was coming out on Tuesday so I knew what I was going to make.
I had found several recipes each a little different so this is what we came up with in the end.
Well not this exact picture but ours did look like this.
I was excited to see what Olivia thought.
When she got here she asked if Lucas was coming to try it and I told her I didn't know so she texted him and he came over.
Later Jess came home from work and she tried it.
Everyone considered it a success and said I should make it again.
Lucas asked if I was going to try it so I did and I liked it too then Mark came home and he ate two large helpings.
All right then without further delay here's the recipe.
You will need four medium size salmon fillets
You will marinate them for twenty minutes in the following marinade.
2 Tbsp. Soy Sauce
2 tsp. Honey
1 Tbsp. Lime juice
1 Tbsp. veg. oil
2 cloves of Garlic, minced
2 Tbsp of Cilantro
Whisk marinade ingredients together until well combined then pour over salmon and let marinate for at least twenty minutes but don't go a lot longer or the salmon will begin to break down.
While the salmon is marinating slice a green, red and yellow bell pepper into thin strips, you know like you see in fajitas.
Next do the same thing with a red onion and a yellow onion
Place them on a baking sheet drizzle with olive oil or vegetable oil, sprinkle one package of Fajita seasoning over the peppers and onions, toss it all together and bake in a preheated 425 degree oven for twenty minutes.
Now since you have the salmon marinating and the veggies roasting you are good to go ahead and make the Jalapeno Slaw.
Get out a bowl and add these ingredients
3 cups of coleslaw mix (get the kind that has some red cabbage in it or of course you can shred your own slaw)
1 Tbsp of Cilantro
1 - 2 Jalapenos sliced and seeded or not seeded if you want it hot depending on your taste my group likes it hot so I used two.
Juice of one large lime
Pinch of salt
Drizzle of oil
Toss it all together and let it set. The lime juice will start to ever so slightly soften the cabbage
Okay now set that aside and lets go back over to the oven.
If it's been twenty minutes or so take your peppers and onions out of the oven.
Place the salmon fillets in a row across the top of the veggies.
Drizzle all of the remaining marinate over the salmon and veggies.
Then take a little more fajita seasoning and sprinkle over the salmon.
Olivia is crazy about spice and herbs and seasoning so we went heavy but you just go buy your own taste.
Pop everything back in the oven and bake for another fifthteen or twenty minutes or until the salmon is done and flakes apart easily.
To serve you can just take a salmon fillet and the pepper onion mix and put it on your plate along with a helping of the slaw and eat it like that but we flaked the salmon apart and dropped the slaw in spots all over the sheet pan and used tongs to pick it up and put in our tortillas.
I served it with flour and corn tortillas both.
We had a small amount left and I put it in the fridge but we haven't warmed it up yet so I can't tell you if its good warmed up or not.
I hope your family likes this as well as mine did.
It's a fancy looking dish but it's is so easy. People will think you slaved away but you can slice up your onions and peppers ahead of time, put in a ziploc and keep in fridge until you are ready. That's what I did. I also mixed my marinade and set it aside until I was ready as well. Super easy.
Oh I forgot to add I also served some avocado with it for even more yumminess.
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