Just a few years back it seems like it was the in thing to shop in the big stores that made you feel like shopping for groceries was an experience.
Like you were in a nice place like you were somebody for being in there buying your groceries.
We all know you are somebody buying your groceries no matter where you buy them.
Now the tide seems to have turned.
Now it's in to shop at Aldi or Save A Lot or whatever is in your area.
Now we feel proud of how little we spend instead of how much we spend.
I'm all about that.
How do you go about making a grocery list?
How often do you go shopping?
How you answer those two questions will make a big difference in how much you spend.
I hope this blog post inspires you and challenges you to cut back on your food budget.
Sometimes we look through cookbooks or fb looking for recipes to make in the upcoming week.
I do that too and I like doing that.
It's keeps cooking exciting.
By all means do that but don't over do it.
Don't start your shopping list by going through cookbooks.
First go through your pantry and fridge and freezer.
Take note of what you have and build your menu as much as possible around what you have.
Do you have some potatoes and a few carrots in the crisper?
Then pick up a can of peas and a chicken and make a chicken pot pie.
Now since you add veggies to a chicken pot pie you don't need all of the chicken for the pie so you will have some left.
So if you save the broth you cooked the chicken in and save part of the chicken and if you have some flour which I'm thinking you do you can have chicken and dumplings one night.
The chicken will stay good in the fridge for a day or two or you can freeze it until it's needed.
What if you have a package of taco seasoning and some shredded cheese?
Well pick up a pound of hamburger and some lettuce and have tacos.
You get the picture.
Look at what you have and try to think what you can do with it then just pick up the needed items instead of starting completely over and buying all new stuff to make meals with.
What about meat?
My mom always said if you have a meat you can plan a meal.
Now if you are a vegetarian of course that won't apply to you but it applies to us.
Look at the front page of the grocery flyer.
What meats are on sale this week?
Buy what you can and freeze it.
Start your own little meat market in your freezer.
Then when you need something you will have it.
You can go look in the freezer and say, I have hamburger, I have chicken I have pork chops ask yourself what you have to go with it.
So always shop your pantry, fridge and freezer before you shop the store.
Next think about how often you go to the store.
The more we go the more we spend.
Very seldom do we go to the store and not pick up a few extra things.
When the kids were little I shopped once every two weeks and sometimes once a month.
I filled two cart and we didn't go back.
Try to feel challenged about it.
I'm throwing down the grocery gauntlet so you you pick it up.
Think about what you are spending?
Think about how else you could be spending that money.
Do your best to clean up your leftovers.
Most days Mark and I eat for supper what we had for dinner we might even eat it again the next day if we have any left.
A lot of things can be frozen and you can pull them out when you need something in a hurry.
Say you made soup but you just didn't feel like soup the next day. Freeze it. You can do that with lots of casseroles.
If you open a can of evaporated milk and don't use the whole can pour it in a freezer bag, date it, write what it is lay it flat and freeze it then when you need it unthaw and use. I do this all the time.
I do it with broth too.
Rotate cans and packages, meats and all items.
When you bring the new items in move them to the back and bring the old forward.
There are lots of other ways to save but I'm stopping here.
To much info overwhelms and it feels to complicated but these two things we can implement with out to much stress.
One, make a list, make it by shopping your pantry, fridge and freezer first.
Two, don't go to the store to often.
Just these two things will help a lot.
You are gonna feel so together and like such a super homemaker.
And remember even if you work out of the home you are a homemaker. If you have a home you are a homemaker and it's honorable and something you should take pride in. It matters.
Here's to saving money and please comment and let us know your money saving tips for the grocery store.
We love hearing from you and learning from you.
If you get a good deal on anything that might go bad before using it prep it then freeze it. Such as onions slice them freeze flat on cookie sheet then put in freezer bags then just pull out how much you need to cook with. Hamburger either make into patties and freeze with parchment paper between them or brown the loose hamburger and put in a freezer bag once it cools. Smoked sausage slice them through in freezer bag then when your frying potatoes or cabbage pull out as many slices as you want and fry them too no need to even defrost.
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